
lundi 30 janvier 2012

Ghaza- The Lesson

On the 27th of December 2008, the Zionist entity (ZE) opened up the gate of hell on Ghaza and unleashed its hatred without hesitation. From air, sea and land, an unprecedented destructive and lethal power has been launched on innocent civilians in the densest piece of land in the world, for 1.5 million people live on approximately 400 km2 of land. A macabre composition was played on the stage of Ghaza, involving F16, Apache helicopters, Mercavas, war vessels, canons and recent and illegal genotoxic weapons.                       
Indeed, teams of experts are gathering evidence on the use of special weapons such as, white phosphorous and depleted uranium based weapons as well as DIME explosives. As far as the white phosphorous is concerned, it reacts to give rise to a dense whitish to yellowish smoke, with a jelly fish effect. It is designed to cover troops in action, but is prohibited on civilians, as it leads to severe burns that go deep into the flesh, down to the bone. Indeed, people noticed smoke coming out of the body of the injured persons, even while being treated. Moreover, it has been reported that if the smoke is inhaled for quite a long period of time, it may cause the break of the jaw-bone. On the other hand, the depleted uranium may be used, due to its high density, in armoured vehicle piercing. Unfortunately, it disintegrates into fine particles that spread in the atmosphere, easily inhaled by people, with a subsequent carcinogenic effect on the body. The above mentioned weapons are already known, and one may find available literature dealing with both of them.
On the contrary, the DIME is for time being a weapon under experimentation and validation. Hence, we find abundant cause of anger against the contempt with which ZE is dealing with the international community, as it uses innocent civilians like guinea-pigs and turns Ghaza into a huge laboratory. It is forging ahead to accomplish its mean objectives in total outrage against ethic and human values.
            DIME stands for Dense Inert Metal Explosive consisting of a mixture of an explosive such as RDX and a powder of heavy metal tungsten alloy (containing nickel and cobalt or nickel and iron), designed by the Air Force Research Lab. in the framework of Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) technology. Following the explosion, dusty tungsten is expelled with a high velocity and a high temperature, acting then like micro-shrapnel that impinges on the body. This yields severe burns and destruction of internal organs, as well as amputations with a low probability of survival for the wounded.
            As a matter of fact, ZE claimed it conducted the attack to eliminate Hamas' ability to launch rockets, but there are objective indications that it failed. Instead, it succeeded in executing over a thousand innocent people (half of them being children), injuring thousands, destroying around 30 mosques, thousands of factories and workshops, thousands of buildings and homes, damaging hospitals, targeting rescue teams and journalists, expelling people from their homes, and targeting UNRWA schools, etc. ZE did all what mankind considers as unjustified acts of barbarity, barbarism and decadence.
            In the wake of the aggression of Ghaza along with the reaction of the international community, two issues emerge and ought to be addressed.
            The first one may be put this way: it seems to me, there are two types of jews, namely, i/ cruel, uncivilized and secular jews who commit crimes on Shabbat, strike civilians purposely and consciously (according to Zeef Schiff) and have leaders coming from terrorist organizations such as hagannah, irgun and stern or from action wings of mossad. ii/ and jews who comply by the divine commandments, like Natori Karta people (guardian of the city) who believe ZE was established in the name of Judaism but is impure and Godless and have to cease to exist. In Coran it is said in surat Al-Imran: "Not all of them are alike: of the people of the book are a portion that stand (for the right), they rehearse the signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in Allah and the last day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong…"
            I strongly believe, ZE is on a slipping declivity, and has come to an end. Indeed, on a military point of view, ZE has shown its limits on the physical ground and is evolving in a contradictory manner, on a moral viewpoint with respect to the precepts of Judaism. A pharsee sage called Hillel (1st century BC), said to someone "what is hateful to you, do not unto your neighbor; this is the entire Torah, the rest is commentary."
            The second issue is the reaction of the US government.
All US presidents stressed the same universal moral values, e.g., justice, equality, etc. Indeed, the 16th president, viz., A. Lincoln said: "…a new nation (America), conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.", whereas the 32nd president, namely, F. D. Roosvelt said: "…rectify wrong, alleviate suffering, and set the weak in the way of strength and hope.". As for the 33rd president, H. S. Truman, he said "…we and other nations will be able to work out a way of life free from coercion.", and Jimmy Carter the 39th president said: "…but our power will never be used to initiate a threat to the security of any nation or to the rights of any human being. We seek to be and to remain secure—a nation at peace in a stable world.". In his address to the UN general assembly, W. F. Clinton, the 42nd president, said: "…our policy is and must be rooted in a profound respect for all the world's religions and cultures." In the same way the actual president, B. H. Obama, stated the following: "America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity,…,all are equal, all are free…".
            However, on the ground it is obvious the sympathy of the US leaders for ZE, does blind them to the requirements of justice, their positions are unbalanced; as a matter of fact, it seems to people we are dealing with the same compound as if US and ZE are one! Moreover, the special meeting of UN Human Rights Council to discuss the human rights situation in Ghaza and the vote of a resolution  with the following pattern-- 33/47(yes), 1/47 (no) and 13/47 (European countries abstained), is another indication of the drama. We have been mislead for years. We are now standing at the end of an era and on the threshold of a new one; the confidence is lost, people are free from any coercion and the Damocles sword have been thrown away, though the misused concepts are genuine. This is the outcome of some manipulation of extremely unstable situations, conducted by some ones who wish to open the Pandora's box. And now, shall we consider Obama's era, especially after having expressed his will to reconsider the way US are dealing with the Muslim world, as a tryst with destiny?
As far as I am concerned, we should keep forging ahead despite stresses, as good people are everywhere, and the way that leads to harmony is always fraught with difficulties.

Pr. R. Annou

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